Happypasta Wiki

(i just got an account (^o^) !)

unicorn land spell[]

get a pearl and mash it with a hammer. put the powdered pearl into some cranberry juice and drink. then chant:

spirit of the sea

take me to land where unicorns come from

take there oh great spirit of water and lakes.

chant that ten times and see what happens. have fun with the unicorns.

amulet of good dreams[]

get any kind of stone and dip it in a river. then say ' stone of the river be blessed with water. stone of the earth combine with the deep blue energy of the river' then think of your family. put the stone under your bed and you will have good dreams.

the spirit owl[]

go out at night with a feather and say ' oh owl of the forest come to me. show yourself and give me your feet. give me your feet. your wonderful feet.' then the owl will appear and give you his feet. if you kiss the feet everything bad will go away.
